PS: Delphi花落新东家,对于我们这些FANS来说,未必是一件坏事,现在至少有新的公司承接下来,继续开发,总比死在Borland手里好,你觉得呢?
Borland刚刚宣布将CodeGear以2300万美元的价格出售给Embarcadero Technologies,这意味着历史悠久的Delphi语言将不在归于Borland旗下,一个曾经辉煌的时代结束了.
Borland Announces CodeGear Divestiture
Definitive agreement to sell CodeGear assets to Embarcadero Technologies
May 7, 2008
Borland announced today a definitive agreement to sell the assets of its individual developer tools unit, CodeGear,
to Embarcadero Technologies. The purchase price for CodeGear is expected to be approximately $23 million.
Borland will also retain CodeGear’s accounts receivables
with an approximate value of an additional $7 million.
The transaction is expected to close by June 30, 2008.
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