你霍老子哦?Are you kidding me?
哥佬馆 Dude!
死哪儿切了喃。那么久没qio到你了。 Long time no see.
啥子喃? What?
虚锤子啊虚! Don't worry!
你要爪子嘛? What do you want?
瓜娃子 Stupid
你在批赛撒子?What are you talking about?
她是我老妞儿. She's my girlfriend/wife.
莫来头。说这些。 You are welcome.
简直巴适的板。 That's awesome.
晓求不得。 I have no idea.
就那么滴滴儿 a little
挖脸的 sucks
你要过孽瓦? You wanna fight?
我呸死了。打包票。 I am sure.
撒子情况撒子情况 ? What's going on?
求名堂莫得。 It doesn't make sense.
管你娃求事啊。 It's none of your business.
浪么子搞起在勒! What a hell!
你个龟儿子! Son of bitch!
儿霍? Are you sure?
你吃醉了所? Are you out of your mind?
你娃要日天了。 You are so crazy.
石千儿 rock paper scissors
给你娃儿两脚头哦 kick your ass
温丧 idiot
曲吗黑 dark black
交吧湿 so wet
蛋求谈 anyway
空了吹 See you.
撤飘 Let's go·
你盯锤子盯? What the fuck are U looking at?
闹锤子 Shut up!
仙人板板。 Jesus Christ!
敞欢 Enjoy!
老子分儿都不分儿了 I got no money.
老子遭不住了 I can not hold no longer.
遭荡子了 fucked up
最后修改:2013 年 06 月 05 日
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