这首歌曲是赵薇主演的《夜。上海》的片尾曲,英文男生曲。具体叫什么歌名还没搞清楚,哥词一直在唱“Lonely Is Change”,反正歌曲还比较好听就是,偶从土豆网下载回来,经过处理后,完整的MP3音乐现与大家分享,期待原声大碟吧。如果有知道歌名或歌词的朋友,麻烦请告诉我一下,谢谢。
非常感谢 linz MM提供歌词
the road is changing
right in front of me
the sky is raging
as far as i can see
and suddenly the ground was moving under me
this seems to be the only way for you for you and i to be
together blue
together blue
the road is changing
right before my eyes
my head is swimming
under a hundred thousand wide
and even so it really doesn't matter if I fall apart
I couldn't rise above this maze without you.
together blue
together blue
11 条评论
这个是谁唱的啊 怎么找不到呢??