
(1) mysql> SELECT name,species FROM pet ORDER BY name, species;

mysql> SELECT name,species FROM pet ORDER BY 1,2;

mysql> SELECT name AS n,species AS s FROM pet ORDER BY n,s;

   mysql> SELECT name n,species s FROM pet ORDER BY n,s;

用列的别名构造新表: mysql> CREATE TABLE pet1

                           -> SELECT name (AS) animal,owner (AS) child

                            -> FROM pet;

你可以在GROUP BY、ORDER BY或在HAVING部分中使用别名引用列。注意,你的ANSI SQL 不允许你在一个WHERE子句中引用一个别名。

select name n, count(*)as total from xindi group by n;//正确

select phone p from xindi where p>123;//错误





   mysql> SELECT p1.name, p1.sex, p2.name, p2.sex, p1.species

       -> FROM pet AS p1, pet AS p2

       -> WHERE p1.species = p2.species AND p1.sex = "f" AND p2.sex = "m";

2.where ,group by,having 用法小注:select name,sum(phone) from xindi group by phone having sum(phone)>1233;


使用group by 子句对数据进行分组;

对group by 子句形成的组运行聚集函数计算每一组的值;

最后用having 子句去掉不符合条件的组。

需要注意:having 子句中的每一个元素也必须出现在select列表中。有些数据库例外,如oracle.



select dno,sum(salary)from employe group by dno having sum(salary)>10000



mysql> select * from xindi order by phone limit 2; //只取前两个值


| name | phone | email | id |


| brown | NULL | NULL | 5 |

| lili |   123 | NULL | 6 |


2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from xindi order by phone limit 2,2; //只取第三和第四个值


| name | phone | email | id |


| lili |   123 | NULL | 7 |

| Lucy | 13456 | NULL | 3 |


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(2) concat

select concat(name,email)from xindi;

select concat(name,email) as name from xindi;

concat()函数把这个值转化为字符串,无论输出参数是一个字符串还是一个数值, concat() 都会返回一个字符串.

(3) 三个函数year(),month(),dayofmonth()可以分别分离出日期中的年月日来。

mysql> create table stu(id int primary key,name char(10),birth date,death date);

insert stu values(1,'lili','2000-01-01','2010-01-01');

insert stu values(2,'lucy','2002-1-1','2009-1-1');

select * from stu where death>'2009-12-31';

select * from stu where month(birth)=1;

select * from stu where year(birth)>2000;

select * from stu where dayofmonth(birth)>1;

select * from stu where dayofmonth(birth)>=1;


最后修改:2012 年 03 月 02 日