
吴恩达博士是全球公认的人工智能领军人物,他是DeepLearning.AI创始人、Landing AI创始人兼首席执行官、AI Fund普通合伙人、Coursera董事长兼联合创始人、斯坦福大学计算机系兼职教授。

2011 年,他领导了斯坦福大学主要 MOOC(大规模开放在线课程)平台的开发,并教授了一门在线机器学习课程,该课程面向超过 100,000 名学生开放,并由此创立了 Coursera,他目前担任该公司的董事长兼联合创始人。

此前,他曾担任百度首席科学家,领导该公司约 1300 人的 AI 团队,负责推动公司的全球 AI 战略和基础设施。他还是 Google Brain 团队的创始负责人。

作为机器学习和在线教育领域的先驱,吴恩达博士通过其在人工智能领域的工作改变了无数人的生活,并在机器学习、机器人技术和相关领域撰写或合作撰写了 200 多篇研究论文。2023 年,他被《时代》杂志评为全球最具影响力的人工智能人物 100 强。他拥有卡内基梅隆大学、麻省理工学院和加州大学伯克利分校的学位。

Dr. Andrew Ng is a globally recognized leader in AI (Artificial Intelligence). He is Founder of DeepLearning.AI, Founder & CEO of Landing AI, General Partner at AI Fund, Chairman & Co-Founder of Coursera and an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University’s Computer Science Department.

In 2011, he led the development of Stanford University's main MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platform and taught an online Machine Learning course that was offered to over 100,000 students leading to the founding of Coursera where he is currently Chairman and Co-founder.

Previously, he was Chief Scientist at Baidu, where he led the company’s ~1300 person AI Group and was responsible for driving the company’s global AI strategy and infrastructure. He was also the founding lead of the Google Brain team.

As a pioneer in machine learning and online education, Dr. Ng has changed countless lives through his work in AI, and has authored or co-authored over 200 research papers in machine learning, robotics and related fields. In 2023, he was named to the Time100 AI list of the most influential AI persons in the world. He holds degrees from Carnegie Mellon University, MIT and the University of California, Berkeley.

最后修改:2025 年 02 月 02 日