Compile Indy Tiburon in RAD Studio 2010 for use with C++ Builder

该日志由 samool 发表于 2010-08-16 14:28:57

Because Indy is changing fairly rapidly, and because there are problems with the version of Indy that shipped with RAD Studio 2010, I found that I had to download and compile a new version of Indy. Although that isn't too hard, the documentation is scattered all over, and there is no comprehensive source of information. Searching through all of this, I wasted quite a number of hours. To save others (and save myself when I have to do it again), I wanted to post a set of instructions.

None of the information here is original. I take credit for nothing, but I take responsibility for all of the errors. Please post corrections, for the benefit of all. I greatly appreciate the contributions of the Indy developers and experts.

My setup is RAD Studio 2010, including both Delphi and C++ Builder. I have only passing knowledge of Delphi, as C++ is what I mostly use. However, C++ Builder, by itself, is poorly documented, since Embarcadero includes most of the demos and documentation for Delphi, so I got the combined RAD Studio product. That is fortunate, since it is much easier to compile Indy using the Delphi personality than with C++ Builder. These instructions are for replacing Indy Tiburon version 140 with a new version of Indy Tiburon 140.


该日志标签: delphi2010, rad2010, Indy Tiburon, Indy10, C++Builder


该日志由 samool 发表于 2010-06-27 12:42:56


    启动Delphi2010后,Delphi2010 总会提示下载更新包,而对于D版用户来说,这个功能可能反而带来麻烦,那么有解决办法吗?答案是肯定的.
1. 打开 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\{BBD31133-40F8-4B57-9BA6-DB76C03D153B}\

2. 把Setup.exe改名.
3. 再次启动Delphi,系统只会在状态栏提示找不到Setup.exe,但并不影响你使用了.


该日志标签: delphi2010, rad2010